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+91 9384 000 372


TVM, Kerala


Intensive Care Facilities, is a vital medical speciality that deals with severely sick patients. They may need help with hypertension/hypotension, airway or breathing compromise (ventilator support), acute renal failure, cardiac arrhythmias, or the cumulative consequences of multiple organ failure, often known as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Patients who require extensive/invasive monitoring, such as in the critical hours following major surgery or who are deemed too unstable to be transferred to a less intensively monitored facility, may be admitted to intensive care units. Pulse Medicare Hospital is a merger of various specialities and technology that offers patients who are acutely and critically sick the best chance of survival. Our ICU is built and operated on the idea that the way Critical Care services are organised has a big impact on critical overall outcomes including death, length of stay, and infection rates.

Get Your Appointment

Pulse Medicare is a fully fledged, multi-specialty hospital with experienced doctors in specialized departments located strategically in M.C. road at Mannanthala, Trivandrum.