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What Are the Signs That You Might Need a Hip Replacement?

Your hips enable you to engage in a variety of activities. However, if your way of life is being threatened by pain, discomfort, and stiffness, it may be time to consider hip replacement surgery. Of fact, not all forms of hip discomfort necessitate surgery. Our highly qualified orthopaedic surgeons at the Pulse Medicare Hospital will evaluate your issue, discuss your everyday experience, and design a treatment plan that best matches your needs, which may include a non-surgical method.

Hip arthritis develops over time as a consequence of normal wear and tear, an inflammatory illness, or an injury to the region. The pain may not always appear to originate in the hip, but instead in the thigh or even the knee. A minimally invasive or total hip replacement may be able to restore your function, reduce or eliminate your discomfort, and improve your quality of life if arthritis is causing you enough pain and interfering with your normal duties at work or at home, or if you can’t sleep through the night without taking medication.

The following are some of the most prevalent hip arthritis symptoms and risk factors:

Stiffness and Pain

The two most prevalent hip arthritis symptoms are pain and stiffness. Both can occur in the hip or groyne, and they might start as a dull aching that worsens over time if arthritis is not addressed.

X-rays and a physical examination

A physical examination is performed at a visit with one of our Orthopedic Specialists to check joint mobility and strength to see if arthritis is present and causing movement-related complaints. X-rays can also reveal the femur and acetabulum joints, as well as whether or not they exhibit indications of hip arthritis. On an X-ray, arthritis is indicated by a reduction in joint space and the presence of bone spurs. The joint is visible at rest and when standing on non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing x-rays, which is essential since joint space narrowing may not be seen at rest.

Any treatment programme will begin with the least intrusive techniques and progress to more sophisticated modalities as needed. Please contact us now to find out whether a hip replacement might improve your quality of life, to learn more about the treatment options for hip arthritis, or to book a consultation with one of our skilled surgeons. 

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Pulse Medicare is a fully fledged, multi-specialty hospital with experienced doctors in specialized departments located strategically in M.C. road at Mannanthala, Trivandrum.